April 9th 2020
Grey Innovation to Lead Industry Consortium to Build Ventilators in Victoria

Grey Innovation is pleased to announce that as the leader of a Victorian industry consortium, it has received backing from the Victorian Goverment in the form of a $500 thousand grant for the project's feasibility stage and confirmation of its intent to order 2,000 ventilators to be built in Victoria.
The notus Emergency Invasive Ventilator Program is a Grey Innovation led initiative supported by the Victorian Government and Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre (AMGC). With time to market critical, and under advice from its medical adivsory team, the program will utilise a certified mechanical ventilator design from a leading medical device company under licence for production in Victoria.
Grey Innovation's Executive Chairman, Jefferson Harcourt is proud the company will play a role in helping Australia fight the COVID-19 humanitarian crisis. "Victoria's high concentration of engineering and manufacturing companies means we're well placed to develop the ventilators quickly and Grey Innovation is proud to be leading the effort," he said. "We thank the Victorian Government and AMGC for their support of the vision and rapid response to get the program underway and are overwhelmed by the willingness of our colloeagues to respond in this critical hour."
Minister for Jobs, Innovation and Trade, Martin Pakula said, "We are moving to fast-track the local production of ventilators so that hospitals and healthcare workers can continue their extraordinary efforts in caring for those of us who need it most. A local manufacture of these life-saving machines will help us respond to coronavirus cases and help save Victorian and Australian lives."
Grey Innovation is grateful to its medical and scientific advisory team for their guidance; Professor Rinaldo Bellomo, Professor David Story and Professor Bruce Thompson.
The consortium constitutes tens of thousands of square metres of manufacturing floorspace, hundreds of personnel and industry experience to match its collective desire to do its duty translating a sense of obligation to purpose. Partner information will be provided once the constium is finalised.
The Grey Innovation led notus Emergency Invasive Ventilator Program supported by the Victorian Government and AMGC will start supply of ventilators in June with 2000 be produced by the end of July.
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